Bug on Mass Update - locale issue


When a user has different locale settings in SuiteCRM and Windows (any version), we have an unexpected bahavior in mass update.

I can reproduce it anytime in Opportunities module. For instance, set SuiteCRM locale to default US dates, thousand separators, etc. Then set Windows locale to an European or South American locale, with β€œ.” as thousands separator and β€œ,” as decimal separator.

Then do a mass update with some opportunities. Change, for example, the Sales Stage.

Then list the opportunities. The Opp Amount field has been multiplied by 100. But that is not all. Just enter the opportunity and edit it. The opp amount field has the original value (not multiplied by 100). If you just save, without changing anything, the opp amount field returns to its original value in the list view.

Any advice?

SuiteCRM version 7.9.4 and all prior versions.



We have the same problem

I can include that the only opportunities that are multiplied by 100 ( generated by the error on mass update with decimal separator) are only those opportunities with no ,00 as a decimal value. I mean, if you have ,XX with X!=0 the problem will appear.

It’s a really annoying problem because in the change log the value x100 is generated/stored.

any advice?

This problem came from years (sugarcrm before suitecrm appeared)
