Brand new installation More than slow

Hello, hello,


Here is an update of what I have done.
I took a dedicated sql server at OVH. They provided me with connection datas including a port to use.
I used to wizard to make a new installation (adding “:port”) behind the host name, and the installation did not succeed.
I managed to installed SuiteCRM on my locahostl, copy the database created on my new server, and change the DB-connection values in config.php and

 SuiteCRM works ! but it is still f***ing slow ! :sick: So the SQL connection issue doesn’t look to be an issue.

Now, with the developers tool of Firefox, I can see that any command starting by “index.php?..” can take up to 2 minutes.

If you have got any advices about parameters I have to check especially regarding https that is enforced by my provider (one of the biggest in Europe), please let me know.

I told my team that SuiteCRM would be a wonderful tool to use, and now they start to laugh at me. I gonna try with another provider, but I know that this one will be soon undersized.

By the way, thanks again.

I think you should try working with your provider to check this. Tell them their service is not well configured, it’s taking 2 minutes to serve a simple PHP page. They should be able to check it, I am sure they will find some DNS timeout, or another network timeout, while checking SSL or something.


J’écris en Français parce que si tu utilises OVH, tu dois ĂȘtre francophone :slight_smile: .

J’ai exactement le mĂȘme problĂšme que toi, dans la mĂȘme config, et ça fait 2 semaines que j’ai absolument tout essayĂ© : pas d’erreur majeure dans le suitecrm.log, pas d’erreurs majeur du cĂŽtĂ© du log apache chez OVH.

Je suspectais des erreurs de permissions sur les fichiers, j’ai donc testĂ© toutes les permissions possibles, rien Ă  faire non plus : lenteur inexplicables (2mn en moyenne sur le chargement de l’index.php).

J’ai ouvert un ticket chez OVH, et j’ai simplement eu une rĂ©ponse gĂ©nĂ©rique (vĂ©rifier les prĂ©requis du crm et les comparer avec mon phpinfo etc
). Le plus Ă©tonnant Ă©tant que j’ai une install encore active de SuiteCrm chez OVH en place depuis plus d’un an, et qui marchait encore trĂšs bien il y a encore 1 an. Elle est dĂ©sormais inutilisable Ă  cause de la (trĂšs grande) lenteur en question, alors que je n’ai absolument rien changĂ© de mon cĂŽtĂ© (Ă  vrai dire je n’avais mĂȘme pas ouvert suitecrm depuis plusieurs mois).

J’ai essayĂ© plusieurs install complĂštement neuves, dans diffĂ©rentes configs, racine, sous-domaine, etc., sur diffĂ©rents hĂ©bergements OVH que j’ai par ailleurs, le problĂšme est toujours le mĂȘme.
Il est Ă©vident qu’il y a eu des modifs dans la config du cĂŽtĂ© de OVH, qui aboutissent Ă  une telle lenteur, puisque ça marchait trĂšs bien auparavant. Mais de leur cĂŽtĂ©, on me rĂ©pond qu’il n’y a pas eu de changement dans leur config. Bref, je me retrouve bloquĂ© comme toi, si tu as des pistes je suis Ă©galement tout Ă  fait preneur :slight_smile:

Je vais relancer le support OVH en mettant ce thread en lien, peut-ĂȘtre que ça pourra faire avancer la chose.



By courtesy, especially for the people who tried to help me, I prefer to continue in English.

For the followers of this thread, Ozcorporation guessed that I was a French speaker (true) and has exactly the same problem than me with a previous installation that was working perfectly few months ago, too.

He’s got the same host (OVH) than me, nothing strange in the logs and a customer service that does not see anything.

I feel less alone

The two of us opened new technical tickets, we will keep you informed.

Thanks again to all

PS ozcorporation : I have nothing against speaking in French, but I truly believe that we are on an English speaking Forum (Je n’ai rien contre le fait de parler en français , mais je crois vraiment que nous sommes sur un forum anglophone :wink: )

Actually, no pb to speak in english, I just thought it’ll be fastest to speak in our mother language ! But you’re right, it’s an english speaking forum, & as one say : “A rome, faisons comme les romains” :wink:

I’ve just send a new ticket 5 mn ago, linked to this thread,



Well, here is the answer from the OVH support, saying that they can’t find any pb on the server itself, and that the slowness seems to come from the mysql queries from suitecrm

“Aprùs retour de nos administrateurs, nous ne constatons aucune anomalie sur le
serveur qui héberge votre site. Nous constatons toutefois que les lenteurs
sont causĂ©es par les requĂȘtes effectuĂ©es vers le serveur mysql.
Je vous invite dans ce cas à analyser votre site afin d’identifier ces
requĂȘtes et les corriger

We are no further ahead on this matter


I had the same kind of reply, telling me to get in touch with the support of SuiteCRM.
I told them that it was already done and I mentioned this discussion.

I insisted to know what they changed in their environment, because everything was working fine 6 month ago.

They did not answer to me on that point.

Truly a pity.

Hi, bonjour,

I found this thread because I have EXACTLY the same problem on an OVH mutualised hosting offer.
Like the original poster, I have a Joomla installation on the same package with no problems at all. This is a fresh SuiteCRM install, installed using the official guidelines.

Did either of you find a solution to the incredibly slow SuiteCRM load times ?

If it can help, I’m only trying to install SuiteCRM on OVH because my client insists on OVH. I stopped hosting stuff on their shared offers years ago (they are good for domain names, dedicated servers, VPS and IP telephony) but I moved my sites over to a Cloud server with Siteground, excellent support and service : SuiteCRM out of the box (I have no affiliation with them, I’m just a satisfied customer).

I suspect the only solution will be to ditch OVH
 but if you did find a solution I’d love to hear about it !

Merci, thanks


At the end of the day, we had been several people to get in touch with OVH, and none of us received a proper reply from them.

It looks like the issue comes from them, but they say that nothing change on their side since the problem appeared.

Sorry for your customer. If he’s french (as myself who choose OVH for its nationality), you may provide him with my contact to tell him that shared hosting on OVH and SuiteCRM don’t work together anymore.

Best regards,


I second the previous message, as i receive almost the same answer from OVH support : the pb doesn’t come from them, nothing has changed that can explain that Suitecrm work flawlessly a few month ago and don’t work correctly anymore.
Maybe if a lot of customers insist on this point, they’ll take further actions, but for now, it’s at a standstill



Yes, I gave up after a lot of wasted time. I told the client it was impossible to have SuiteCRM on OVH Mutualised hosting. Am moving to SiteGround.

If the original poster could change the topic subject to be “OVH Mutualised hosting incompatible with SuiteCRM” then it may save some others a lot of time in the future !



I did not find how to edit a previous post

You are not alone, but we are in the dark :wink:
Same problem for me with OVH on mutualized Web

At the end of the day, I completely gave up.
I run my instance on a personal server (Raspberry Pi), no mystery options so

Did OVH give you any explanation ?

Hello MaitreCake,

As a side conversation, I’d be curious to know more about your Raspberry Pi server setup ; I’ve been wondering lately what kind of specs would be required to run SuiteCRM smoothly on such a server.

Can you share the specs to your setup?



Sorry for my late reply. My installation under Raspbian eventually crashed on last January with corrupted databases that I had been unable to restore

By the way, I just set a new installation that works on a Rpi 3B+, running under Ubuntu server 18.04 for ARM. (I saw too much dependencies issues on the ArmH versions for other softwares, and Ubuntu is 64bit ready (not Raspbian for Rpi3)).
The Suite version I have is the LTS one ( Version 7.10.25 / Sugar Version 6.5.25 (version de construction 344).
On the server side , I Apache2 / Php 7.2 and its dependencies / Mysql 5.0 (everything installed from the official ubuntu depositories)

According to your nickname and your merci, you must be french (If not sorry, but the issue of this tread is related to a french host
), so for your information, I plugged the Rpi to a Freebox Revolution. Once the the correct ports are opened and redirected, and you can access it from the web on

I still have to set an efficient backup solution in order to avoid the issue I had in January, but everything work.

I hope I replied to your side request.

All the best,