Blank screen after creating a Case

My version of phpMyAdmin is:

On the “Operations” tab of table “cases”, I see this:

Everything should be easy from there, don’t you get the same on this screen?

Unfortunately in my phpMyAdmin there is no AUTO_INCREMENT field.
And isn’t auto_increment the incremental value? I mean if it is for example 5, and the case_number is 10 now, next case_number will be 15?

Maybe the fact that the SQL command didn’t work for you, means your MySQL version is too old?

Or maybe the MySQL version is ok, but the phpMyAdmin version is too old? Compare with my version, stated above.

Maybe you could check that and try upgrading.

Anyway, according to the documentaton, the AUTO_INCREMENT is the increment position, not the increment step. SO if you set it to 1000, it starts at 1000, then 1001, then 1002, etc.

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