Bad permissions file names highlight colour

Hi All,

I have a fix for the highlight colour on the file names with Bad permissions list within the System Check Screen.

At first I thought the text was not selectable but this is because the background and text colour of the filenames are the same colours as highlighted text. This was a concern as I wanted to copy the file names to my clipboard so I can find the files within the CRM application files without typing the names out.

I made a fix for this which inverts the highlight text and background colour so that its clear to see that the text has been highlighted.

I’ll post this here as the github issue I created to track this has been prematurely closed by a mattlorimer.

Screenshot from 2024-06-26 15-23-40
Screenshot from 2024-06-26 15-23-47

#filesNw .error::selection {
color: #F08377;
background: white;


about the issue being closed: I don’t think you realize how disappointing it is for maintainers to get incomplete tickets where you put in random characters in place of the required information.

So that is the general procedure for people who don’t bother filling in version numbers etc.: just close the Issue without spending more time on it. They already have hundreds more Issues than they are able to handle, so it’s just not feasible to go into extra talk with people, “please fill the information needed” etc.

Another thing people often don’t realize: version numbers are relevant, even if you consider that “every version has the same problem”. It’s about reproducing your issue in the exact same conditions where you saw it. Reproducing it is actually the 1st step in handling the Issue. If you make it more hit-and-miss, you’re practically asking it not to be dealt with.

There are tons of issues that don’t get reproduced, and when they reply “I tried it in your exact conditions, and was not able to reproduce”, that is conclusive; if they just say “I tried it in some random conditions and was not able to reproduce”, then you will just wonder, “what is different about these two environments?”, and lots of back and forth will take place, and precious time will be wasted.

Could you propose this CSS code as a fix for your issue, by editing the file in your own fork, and then open a Pull Request for the changed file in your fork?

Also, would you edit your issue and include your version numbers, etc, not placeholders, so your issue may be reopened and then github will automatically associate your pull request as fixing your open issue, by giving the issue number in your pull request title, like “Fix #10457 - Filenames with bad permissions unselectable.”