Automatic Email view corrupted, how to solve?

I don’t understand why in email template the subject as follow:

$acase_name [CASE:$acase_case_number] Completed

Sometimes it views:

DownTown-Communication room [CASE: ] Completed

and sometimes it works as:

DownTown-R3 Reuters [CASE:68] Completed

Could you please attach an image of the template? (Edit View)

that seems ok, could you also please attach the workflow that generated those 2 original emails

I would believe that this is because you refer to a field name that ends with “_c” which is fed from the a custom table.
the associated custom field table (to the original one ) is not always populated and if no fields is to be entered in those studio created fields then the actual record is not created in the custom table, which ends to an empty variable…

try to use the actual case_number field instead…
like $acase_case_number notice no _c

i refer to the subject line…

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Good Day

Here is the workflow, sorry for being late