Associating an inbound email account to a relevant outbound email account

Hi All,

Need some help with inbound mail group and adding a relevant outbound account to it.

Not sure if the versions matter because its more an understanding problem at my end.

SuiteCRM Version 7.11.6
PHP : 7.2
Platform : Nginx, MariaDB on Ubuntu

I am using a couple group email addresses to create cases when they are imported. I works fine with the creation of the cases and also with assigning of the email to the relevant cases when there is a response from the client. The problem I have is with the sending of the email. The email seems to get sent (for both the group accounts) from the “system” (default) email address configured, always.

I have no problem seeing both the inbound acounts in the response page of the email when I go to user profile and set both the group emails as “active” for the user and it shows up in the drop down when responding to a received mail. It is also picking the right group account from which the mail originally was received from and displaying in the dropdown as the selected option and the user can also select either of the two manually when responding to the mail.

But the problem is that the mail always gets sent from the “system” outbound account. It does add the “reply-to” name and “reply-to” address properly as has been set, and it works because when the client clicks on reply it does get sent to the “reply-to” email ID and not to the “system” email Id from where it was sent. How do I create outbound accounts and associate it with inbound accounts so that it does not use the “system” outbound account?

I dont see a setting where I can create an outbound account and associate it with the inbound account, so that when an email received through one of the inbound email account is responded, it automatically goes from the associated outbound email ID.

I am currently testing it with free gmail ID’s; does that hinder the functionality in some way? Like, does the feature use smtp-relay, which gmail does not allow?
Or am I missing something here?

Any help is appreciated.


Thanks for the additional details :slight_smile:

  1. When you are replying, in the “Compose” window, you see the correct address in the “From” dropdown, but then when it sends, it actually sends under a different name, is that it?

  2. Did you set up anything under Admin / Outbound?

  3. Did you set up anything under User profile / Email settings / Outbound email?

Hi @pgr below are the responses to your questions

1. When you are replying, in the “Compose” window, you see the correct address in the “From” dropdown, but then when it sends, it actually sends under a different name, is that it?

That is correct. It sends from the email configured under Admin/ Email Settings (Which is the system default and used by the system to send auto responses etc.).

If I remove the “Users may send as themselves:” in email settings then I get the below error . So I have to have it selected for the mail to go.
Fri Jul 19 15:28:23 2019 [28039][1][SECURITY] Email Error: Not authorized to use Outbound Account “system”
Fri Jul 19 15:28:23 2019 [28039][1][SECURITY] User Administrator attempted to send an email using incorrect email account settings in which they do not have access to.

2. Did you set up anything under Admin / Outbound?

Just the system default.

3. Did you set up anything under User profile / Email settings / Outbound email?
I did setup two outbound accounts, but it doesnt showup anywhere for me to select.

Hi all,

Has anyone encountered this situation? How did you get it working? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Update, incase anyone out there faces a similar problem:

This is an issue with SMTP relay. I was using gmail and by default gmail does not allow relay and has to be enabled in the settings. With that done, it works great.

The link for changing the gmail setting is as below.


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