Assigned to field set to default user id

I have field like below in the module to set Assigned To:

 array (
          0 => 
          array (
            'name' => 'assigned_user_name',
            'label' => 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO',

Now I want to assign a particular user every time, when case record get creates .

How can I do this?

p.s. I do not see Assigned To in the Studio.

Shall I create on modify workflow to set Assigned To field to the user? :face_with_peeking_eye:

In your vardefs you can use

customCode' =>......

Not sure if that still works in V8 I haven’t tried.

Otherwise I’d just use a workflow on new records only.

I am using v7.13. I need to find what to put in customCode.

This is a really good place to start. customCode accepts smarty template syntax:

Thank you @pstevens. I will checkout the documentation.

I hope this will work:

'fields' => array (
    'assigned_user_name' => array (
        'name' => 'assigned_user_name',
        'vname' => 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO',
        'type' => 'relate',
        'customCode' => '{$bean->assigned_user_name = "admin";}'

It’s not PHP you have to use the smarty syntax. I don’t think that will work.