Apache Notices in undefined index colourselector.php 70 and 95

PHP Notice: Undefined index: custom in /var/www/crm2/themes/Suite7/css/colourSelector.php on line 95, referer: http://ilovesuitecrm.com/crm2/index.php?action=DetailView&module=Leads&record=b6817198-4704-c7bb-bf99-5347687fae41&return_module=Leads&return_action=DetailView&offset=1
PHP Notice: Undefined index: modlink in /var/www/crm2/themes/Suite7/css/colourSelector.php on line 70, referer: http://ilovesuitecrm.com/crm2/index.php?action=ajaxui

I kept on keeping these errors in my apache log, i am sure due to fact i changed colors in the theme, which i think is a real need way of modifying the theme or this also happens when you you standard theme colors, which it probably does.

To get rid of this, i added to config_override.php the following two lines:

$sugar_config['colourselector']['modlink'] = 'EEEEEE';
$sugar_config['colourselector']['custom'] = 'EEEEEE';

That cleaned it up for me.

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Hi there,

Thanks for highlighting this. This will be fixed in the next release.



to help you, I confirm this minor issue is present on a clean install to a virgin Ubuntu 13.10 VM with suiteCRM 7.1.1.
I have not set any custom themes.

Was this acutaully fixed? I still get this error when I upgrade SugarCRM CE 6.5 yo SuiteCRM 7.1

According to a new install i did this is not fixed in 7.1.4 MAX

I am testing the Beta 7.2 and still found these tiny errors only the lines changed:

Undefined index: modlink in /var/www/crmbeta/themes/Suite7/css/colourSelector.php on line 72, referer: http://crmbeta/index.php?module=Home&action=index
Undefined index: custom in /var/www/crmbeta/themes/Suite7/css/colourSelector.php on line 97, referer: http://crmbeta/index.php?module=Home&action=index

If i should post these bugs elsewhere let me know.

This is definitely ridiculous that, still, in the latest version, problem persists… I added your solution and even the tabs in dashboard started working, when it wasn’t.

Thanks a lot erikvanberkum

If this isn’t on Github, the developers aren’t looking at this. Has any of you searched the issues there? Perhaps you should search including the closed ones, at it seems a fix was attempted, but for some reason didn’t solve the problem…