I’m trying to use AOW for the first time to send an automatic email.
I’ve attached a screenshot of my first test workflow.
My test workflow has two actions, first to send an email, second to update the record.
My second action is just there to prove to myself that the workflow is being run (which it is). The problem is that no email is ever sent.
Anyone any ideas how to debug this issue?
I’ve checked that the email template works and that I can manually send an email to the contact from the Email module. I’ve looked at the error_log but nothing pertinent appears in there.
Any help gratefully received!
Found this in the log:
[5639][1][FATAL] SCHEDULERS: could not get an IMAP connection resource for ID [ 15253372-837c-564a-f6cc-54d9e90831fd ]. Skipping mailbox [ Accountz Support ].
I assume this might be causing the issue. I’ve searched around and found this post:
I’ve installed the php5-cli module but I’m not convinced this is the solution (as how did the cron jobs run before ok without it).
typing ‘php -m’ shows me that the imap module is loaded.
Confused :S
apt-get install php5-imap
php5enmod imap
service apache2 restart
do you have an outbound email set? like the one that uses to create users and stuff?
try those commands
Thanks for your suggestion.
I already had php-imap installed, I ran the commands just in case but it has made no difference.
Turns out the message has nothing to do with AOW, it is produced by the scheduled inbound e-mail check:
I’m working with the admin account of our dev box so I’m not surprised that the email account is miss configured.
I’m going to dig through the code to try and find where the AOW scheduler code lives. Wish me luck!
Fixed it!
So in the end after trawling through the code I found my problem was that I had not completed the ‘Email’ section of the ‘Send Email’ action. Doh!
Now that I know I can see it is marked as required by that tiny little asterisks next to the label. Unfortunately the UI does not prevent you from leaving it in an incomplete state and no errors or logs lines are written when it fails to find the ‘email_target_type’ variable in the code.
Just for the sake of others here is a screen shot of my working settings that sends an email to the contact’s primary email address.
Oh… I see, I’m glad you got it working
best regards