AOR - dashlet - parameters - m

Hi :slight_smile:

Created a report in AOR

Used a ‘one of’ condition with a parameter

Inside the reporter

When adding the report to the dashlet on homepage the same parameters are dropdowns only


That’s is the way it behaves. If you noticed from the report’s parameters, the type specifically says “One of”. That’s why it gives you the option to select one from the dropdown.

HI AlxGr

Thank you for your response

However I believe your suggestion is incorrect

When you select ‘one of’ for a dropdown this allows the user to select more than one option as shown in the first screen shot = it displays a multi select field

I believe you are referring to type ‘equal to’ - this gives the user a dropdown to select from

However when using the parameter inside dashlet - regardless of ‘one of’ or ‘equal to’ the only option for the paremeter is a dropdown = equal to

Only when in the dashlet edit / conditions does the parameter show as a dropdown - in the AOR detail view report it is a multi select and works as intended