AOD Index


So my AOD Index isn’t picking up custom fields. I have created various custom fields including account number in the Accounts Module. I have added unified_search to this field, and that works fine on the Standard SuiteCRM Search. BUT AOD Index doesn’t appear to be looking at any of my custom fields? There are 75,000 records, but they’ve been in the database a while, and were all imported with this field in place?

Do I need to do a full rebuild of the AOD Index to get this to work?

If so how do I do this? From what I understand is it along the lines off…

1: Delete the /modules/AOD_Index/Index/Index directory.
2: Delete all the records from the aod_index and aod_indexevent tables in my SuiteCRM database. ??

Little bit terrified about trying this (2), not really sure how, but I guess i can find out, but hey-ho if that’s what it takes to fix it.

I am a bit puzzled as to why it would even need it as the AOD Lucent Index and the Index update run happily in the scheduler and don’t seem to be having any problems, so i’m not really sure why my custom fields aren’t being indexed? Is there something i’ve missed that needs turning on?


In case others have a similar problem try the following.

On a legacy install I recently had a similar problem that when a new module broke AOD Search. I gather there was a corruption somewhere blocking AOD Indexing, and this showed as an error in the PHP Error Log.

It was resolved by following PGRs AOD Reindex advice, but before I could get a successful AOD Index rebuild I also had to the run a Quick Repair and Rebuild followed by Rebuild Relationships. Perhaps in hindsight I could have just dropped the cache but Rebuild Relationships does this anyway.

I followed the following procedure;

  • Disable AOD Search.
  • Disable AOD Schedulers.
  • Clear Index Folder and Database Tables as PGR describes.
  • Quick Repair and Rebuild.
  • Rebuild Relationships.
  • Re-start AOD Schedulers.
  • Re-enable AOD Search.


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