Alert/Notification message when contract expire just before 45 days

Hi Team,
Can we get notification message in Bell icon when contract expire before 45 days.
Is there any possibility with the help of “Workflow” module.

This workflow configuration worked for me:

It’s was confusing at first because of the type field. I recommend you to take a look at this post which explains it pretty well:

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Hi Pablonr,
Thank you for your response.
I want only that contracts name that expire just before 45 days from current date. So i apply condition that condition is true or not can you check.

Hi again Vishal,
I think the conditions should look something like this. Adjust them to your modules and fields:

Also worth noticing the workflow should be set to run only on scheduler and on all records.

This could cause a performance problem once there are a lot of registries to check. Check the green tip box in the all records section here:

For that case maybe would be worth considering to do it with a Job queue which is a little bit more complex because it requires some PHP programming knowledge. You can find an example here if you want to take a look to it:

Hope this can help you :wink:

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Thank you for giving idea.If i am not wrong i think the condition is -45 days because it check before 45 days.