After save record, it is redirected to OptimisticLock module

Hello Folks,

I have a custom module and I have couple of records in that. Whenever I try to update any record, it redirects me to the url and show me the comparison between database record and my saved record, even if both are same.
Following are the things which I am getting.

Redirected Url: https://localhost/suiteassured/index.php?module=OptimisticLock&action=LockResolve

It shows 2 records one by one and show the comparision between them for each and every field which is available in the form. And want to accept me any one of them.
There are 2 buttons to click on i.e. 1. Accept Yours, 2. Accept Database.

I have following installation:
Version 1.0.5 (It is SuiteAssured)
SuiteCRM Version 7.8.12

Anyone please help me out with this? What is the cause of this?

Hey there,

I vaguely recalled reading about a similar issue before, and I’ve found this thread: A Conflict Exists For -<module Name> while updating Record

The user noted that disabling “optimistic_locking” for the custom module resolved this issue.

Do note that, if disabled, you won’t see this screen for your custom module
(This screen is intended to show when two users are editing a record at the same time, to prevent conflicts)

Does this work for yourself?

Thanks for reply John.
Yes we set false to optimistic_lock param in vardef.php. And it worked.
But it is just work-around.

In our case, we have multiselect dropdowns. If anyone only edit the record and without changing any option, tries to save, then this screen occurs. Only change is sequence of multiselect options in post params.

previous values of dropdown: ^Option1^,^Option2^,^Option3^
new values of dropdown: ^Option2^, ^Option3^,^Option1^

Hope we get fix for this too in future updates. For now it is working with the work-around.

Thanks a lot.


hmmm, I am glad to hear that works for now, but it does indeed sound like a potential issue

If you’re able to reliably replicate this issue, it might be worth raising on our Github repo, so it can be catalogued and hopefully resolved in the future.
