After 7.6.6 fresh installation SuiteCRM is costantly refreshing to dashboard


I’m trying to install SuiteCRM 7.6.6 on shared environment at (hosting company). All versions Apache, PHP, MySQL are compatible with rquirements described in Compatibility Matrix.

I have followed all permission settings described in installation guide (except changing suite crm directory ownership to Apache user, becouse is not allowing for that - im waiting for ansfere from tchem what is the actual owner in my files in /public_html/CRM)

All files were transferrred by FileZilla in binary mode.

The problem is occuring after installation, when im logged in as admin the website is constantly refreshig (every 2-3 sec) to its “home position” whih is dashboard view. Thosen’t matter what I click it always going back to dashboard and in browser i can see that site is refreshing. Tested in few diferent browsers.

I couldn’t find any solutions in google and this forum. My I ask for some help? Maybe from other users that they succeed in installing on

Best regards, Kris.

This is output information after my installation:

Creating SuiteCRM configuration file (config.php)

Creating SuiteCRM application tables, audit tables and relationship metadata
Creating the database XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXX on


Creating default SuiteCRM data

     Creating default users...   done
     Creating default scheduler jobs...   done

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /CRM/install/performSetup.php:148) in /CRM/modules/Users/Save.php on line 490

The setup of SuiteCRM 7.6.6 is now complete!

It turns out that the refreshing is on Explorer 11 and Edge. With Google Chrome everything is working correctly.