Please can we have more guidance on using AOW to populate existing relationships between custom modules. I have the following
I use AOW to create a new record in (2) when (1) is added, and also two new records in (3). The record in (3) needs to be related to both (1) and (2), the first part I can do, but not the second. YES there is already a relationship in module builder, but when I select the relationship in AOW, I am not sure which one and what to populate with.
When you select “add relationship” and use the Field option, it seems to display only the fields from the relationship table, or “none” i.e. ID, modified by name, assigned to, created by etc. This doesnt make sense. How can you pick up the ID of the record just added above and use that to populate the relationship. Also the “relate to workflow module” should be expanded so you can “relate” to the record just added.
It should be possible to use formulae as well.
The related record “value” option only seems to allow you to relate the record added by the workflow to a single record in the firing table, this makes no logical sense.
What types of relationships have you created for Items/Profiles/Header ?
I would think that two “One to Many” relationships would work. i.e: A ‘One to Many’ From ‘Items’ to ‘Profiles’ & A ‘One to Many’ from ‘Items’ to ‘Headers’
If you create the relationships, relate fields will be created for the Items module, one to relate it to a Profile and another to relate it to a Header.
This would mean that, on the workflow, you could Choose which Profile & Which Header the Item belongs to.
if you are able to share some screenshots of your workflow, this may make the issue easier to see.