Advanced Open Portal

Version 7.11.8

Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

OK. I had Advanced open portal running correctrly and I wanted to change some things so I tried for a new install and now I get this error:

Too few arguments to function SugarCase::__construct(), 1 passed in /var/www/mmancrm/suiteinstall/jcasesmmancrm/components/com_advancedopenportal/models/SugarCasesConnection.php on line 277 and exactly 2 expected

I believe I uninstalled joomla correctly. I did the following:

  1. Uninstalled the advanced portal extension
  2. deleted the joomla directory

After this. Reinstalled joomla on a differently named directory and… It is not functioning like it did when I first installed it. When I click the “list cases” link I get the above error. It is connecting to Suite CRM.

I believe that I am missing something on the uninstall, but if I am, i do not know what.

I believe that is solved with this fix

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Oh well, I figured it out. I just deleted the databases associated with the previous joomla install. took 40 additional seconds

Ok, my fix didn’t actually work and your fix didn’t either. I will have to look at the code some more.

OK i figured it out thanks to the code you provided. Thank you.

Hi, need a little help please.
Portal working as far as logging in and viewing My Profile, no cases visible, what needs to be done?

Hi PhilEngel,

Just to confirm there’s a connection are you able to create a new portal user for a contact through the dropdowns action menu?

After knowing if this works we can look into what kind of debugging needs done :+1: