Admin login works but not new user logins

I confirm that this is not working.

For the time being I have installed 7.11.0 on a Windows environment running WAMP and I am not able to log in with a non admin user:

Then I went to create another non admin user and by mistake I entered the same user name and I found what I believe to be another bug: both users with the same user name were saved:

I still tried to log in again with no luck!

Last test: I created a new admin user and still not able to log in.

I still have to test it on a linux machine but it looks like a bug to me.

Last thing I did: I went to check the database table and found out that the password hash has not been saved:

@amariussi: What version of SuiteCRM have you installed where this works? Iā€™ll just rollback to that.

I can confirm the symptons here :wink:
Ubuntu 16,04, php56 Suitecrm 7.11.0

admin and other userā€™s cant set/reset the password.

same issue here, but with version 7.10.12 - when upgrading from 7.10.11 and even on cleaninstall. looking in the database (phpmyadmin): user hash: ā€œNULLā€, user ID: hash-code. But manually moving the hash and adding a User-ID donā€™t fix the issue. former defined user can login - even if password is reset in admin-panel.

System: centOS 7.6, PHP 7.3, MariaDB 10.3

Ok so Im after some tests. Yesterday Ive been a little bit angry and I did not write whole data:

My serwer:]external serwer (provider), linux, kernel ver, 2.6.32-696.18.7.el6.x86_64

Procedure of instalation i have done:

  1. downloaded latest ver of SuiteCRM form site
  2. Made propertly done instalation by wizzard at serwer (online instalation)
  3. Installed my own language (Polish) and rebult system (I am working in english but my future users nor really)
  4. Made some users in system (correct e-mails and so on)
  5. Made ā€œEnable System-Generated Passwords Featureā€ - off
  6. Logged in with no results

Tests: Iā€™ve made tests at few localizaitions (different IP), and made tests at few PC - result the sameā€¦ Canā€™t loginā€¦ :frowning:

Solution (in my case): B-)

I have some problems with PHP mail service (my provider blocked it because of one of my websites been hackedā€¦ long storyā€¦) but todaty I have PHP mail run on so I have no problem with SuiteCRM system mails.

  1. Go to Admin > admin
  2. User Managment
  3. Click at any user
  4. Click on tab Actions > Reset Password*
  5. Login with new pass to SuiteCRM
  • IMPORTANT: email must be written in the system.

Conclusion: Iā€™ve made a progress, and eliminate my problem but my solition is not perfect and it shows problems with the system that must be repaired.


For the time being we are using version 7.8.X in all of our production environments.

Versions 7.9.X, 7.10.X and, now, 7.11.X have undergone very important modifications/major improvements and appear to still have too many bugs to be put in production for our clients.

I must say that many of the bugs related to emails introduced with its refactoring since 7.9.X have already been fixed. Similarly several other bugs are continuously being solved. Unfortunately there are still other things like this users password issue which, in my opinion, would imply the rejection of the system from our clients therefore we have decided to stick with the most stable version (7.8.X for now).

Probably 7.11.X will soon be the version to adopt in the near future. Just a little patience: SuiteCRM is great and is getting better every day!

I tried installing via XAMPP 7.1.7 on Windows Server 2012r2 installed the latest release of 7.11.0 and both versions of LTS: 7.10.12 LTS and 7.8.25 LTS. In all cases, the problem is the same, the new user cannot log in. Given the full rights to the SuiteCRM files to the group ā€œALLā€ with inheritance.

Before that, I install 7.11.0 on CentOS, php7.1 and nginx. Instead of chmod -R 775 * I used chmod -R 777 *. Installation was successful but result is the same - the new user cannot log in.

If you fill the database with test users during installation and reset the password through User Management -> Select User -> Actions -> Edit -> Password, then such a user will also not be able to log in.

I believe that the problem has been created by PR 6403/2/4 (all merged together). These PRs have deleted the file Save.php under Users to solve an issue from Mass Updating users.

Probably the Admin part of Users still requires that file or needs something which is now missing due to the file deletion.

There is a solution in gitHub highlighted by @pgr to this problem in this forum thread:

The solution works, thank you.

Good morning,
I installed SuiteCRM 7.11.1 and I have the same problem that I can not log in with the new users.
I verified that in the DB the field ā€œUSER_HASHā€, relative to the new user created, is empty.
Iā€™ve read about the patch ā€œā€ to fix this but I do not know how to download and install it.

Could you kindly help me?

Thank you

Same thing happened to me.
you can create password directly in database.

UPDATE users SET user_hash = MD5(ā€˜Admin123ā€™) WHERE user_name = ā€˜Adminā€™;

this will change password of user Admin --> Admin123.

you can change values of usernames in SCrm and create passwords manualy in database after

Iā€™m brand new to SuiteCRM; I am still installing the software, and Iā€™m stuck at the DATABASE CONFIGURATION and SITE CONFIGURATION page.

Where on earth do I find the SuiteCRM Application Admin Name and SuiteCRM Application Admin Password?

See attached file.

Your help most gratefully appreciated!


@lilypiel Wellcome to the community!

You need to create a user under the Site Configuration section.
Once the installation is complete you will be able to login with the created credentials.
More information here:



Hi AlxGr-

Thank you so much for responding. Yay.

But - still confused: the Site Configuration section requires that information, and when I tried entering any data at all into those fields, (I just guessed at it and entered my own contact info) I got the following error message:

" *The provided database host, username, and/or password is invalid, and a connection to the database could not be established. Please enter a valid host, username and password."

So it would seem that somewhere along the line I need to define the database host, username and password. I just donā€™t see where to do this.

See attached.



Those values are what resulted from your previous set up of the database. They are what you defined when creating the database.

If you didnā€™t, because youā€™re using Bitnami or some other automated Stack installation, you need to look up the Documentation provided by them.

You need to create a database from cPanel first, then, use those credentials to be entered under the Database Configuration section. Once you solve that, you should be able to proceed.

Hi prg-
Thank you! I didnā€™t define them. I simply uploaded the SuiteCRM folder to, which runs Linux. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m a total newbie and programming language is beyond me at this point.

Is there guidance on how to create the database from the cPanel?
Thank you!

For that Iā€™ll recommend you to contact your hosting provider for specific instructions.

