Adding Custom Fields in Line Items


I have been trying to add new fields to the AOS_Products_Quotes module for line items, next to the product description. By modifying line_items.js I was able to add the fields but the label of the fields is showing up as undefined, regardless of me defining the label in en_us.lang.php.

I am also trying to populate these fields the same way item description is being populated from AOS_Products, but I have been having trouble finding the right way to do that.

Thank You.

We would be happy to help you out with this, To be honest anyone doing this has to deal it with the customization as you are working on the right files, May be something more need to be addressed. But the honest reply is to keep debuging to get the values parsed on to the view.


You need to define the language strings in the Contract module en_us.lang.php and the Quotes module en_us.lang.php not the AOS_Products_Quotes module its self because those are the modules that the line items are actually showing in. Then do a quick repair and rebuild from the admin panel.

Also to populate these fields the same way item description is being populated from AOS_Products you will need to alter the pop-up to pass back additional fields Line_items.js line 219 function openProductPopup(ln)

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