Adding chart (any type) dashlet gives fails.

Hi Matt - thanks for the suggestion, but nope - no workie. Still throws the same errors.

what sort of errors, are you getting any javascript errors?

This is the error that I receive, then followed by another similar pop-up.

I canā€™t see anything that corresponds in the logs, but Iā€™ll keep looking. Iā€™m really at a loss to get one of Suiteā€™s best visualization features working.

it seems like it is failing to either read the file for the chart from cache or create it in cache in the first place,

check what permissions are set on cache/xml and any files with it if there is any,

Okay -

I temporarily changed all the permissions on the files in cache/xml to 777 to test that theory. Sadly, no change - the same error is produced.
I also temporarily changed the permissions on cache/xml itself from 755 to 766 - no success here either.

Still hunting ā€¦

cache/xml should be 775 I believe, not 755. Have you looked at the individual files within the directories? When I added a chart earlier it would create the files with incorrect permissions. The modification i mentioned earlier corrected it, but your server may be different.

You may also want to try installing the regular version of SugarCRM instead of SuiteCRM. I am not sure why, but on the shared server I was unable to display the charts as a funnel and it only showed up as a bar. I installed a copy of SugarCRM which showed the funnel chart with no problem with permissions.

Ultimately I ended up moving the system to an internal Ubuntu server, but the shared server was my prototype.

Hey SBovid - thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to do as well; test on shared, migrate to in-house (literally, in my house).

Using CPanel/Softaculous, I can install Sugar without a single problem. Maybe I should just go that route for now - install Sugar and upgrade to Suite.
In either case, when I get to functionality/usability itā€™ll be Sugar/Suite vs. X2CRM.

Still though, this chart misbehaviour is aggravating.

Try the followingā€¦ it might helpā€¦

Change your config.php default permissions to

'default_permissions' => array ('dir_mode' => 493, 'file_mode' => 420, 'user' => '', 'group' => '',),

default is

'default_permissions' => array ('dir_mode' => 1528, 'file_mode' => 432, 'user' => '', 'group' => '',)

on a mod_suphp setup is 0755 for directories and 0644 for files this should set SuiteCRM to make the files and folders it creates with the correct permissions.

Then correct your install permissions accordingly if you have not already.

execute this on document root of the CRM Domain to fix files created by SuiteCRM before the change to the config.php

chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX *

Or to fix errors in the Default SuiteCRM Permissions

chmod -R a+r,o+X *

hope this helps

I have to put this issue on hold - I simply need an effective CRM to use right now.

Iā€™ll have to poke at this problem with SuiteCRM when time permits, but, sadly, I canā€™t use the system as it is.
In parallel Iā€™ve been testing another CRM, so Iā€™ll be using that for my needs.

I hope no-one else has this problem.

Hello Trevor,

I understand your frustration with the system as I mentioned I ran across the same issue. If you are intending to move to your own server and the only current problem you are having is with the charts, I would recommend going forward with SuiteCRM. It is a very powerful system and is simply not currently well configured to run on a shared server.

All of the small issues I was having went away when I switched to an in-house server. Just my two cents, but good luck with your CRM endeavors!

I run multiple SuiteCRM/SugarCRM instances on a shared serverā€¦ it just doesnā€™t use suPHPā€¦ thats the real underlying issue here.

any update or solution for this topic i have the same problem as @ttownsend and no help from SuiteCRM guys

Iā€™ve moved all of my efforts to X2CRM, so, sadly, Iā€™ve discontinued my interest for the time being in SuiteCRM.

Sadly to now that but im thinking move to this is my final weeks trying to figure out the problem with the Dashlet.

@ttownsend i think i have SuiteCRM working now i can see the dashlet i dont know what i do but is working i have the suitecrm in a zip files just need to edit config.php and set 755 to all folders and files let me know i you want the file to upload.

[UPDATE] NOT WORK! :frowning: i dont know why in localhost worksā€¦

[UPDATE] WORKING! :smiley:

ttownsend do this
To resolve the problem, open the SugarCRM configuration file config.php in your preferred text editor and find the lines:

ā€˜dir_modeā€™ => 1528,
ā€˜file_modeā€™ => 432,

Change the above lines to:

ā€˜dir_modeā€™ => 1517,
ā€˜file_modeā€™ => 436,

After that delete the empty chart dashlet and add it again. The new dashlet should be populated with data.

Itā€™s the .js files in cash folder.
Any time you add a dash let it sets the cash file to 0600

When that happens do F12 to see 404s and the path to the file. Then set permissions to 0644