Add Create Case option to dropdown on front screen

You won’t be able to do this through the UI tools built in with SuiteCRM, but you can do this through the code fairly easily.

Copy the file at: /Themes/SuiteR/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl

and paste it in: /custom/themes/SuiteR/tpls/

It is likely that this directory won’t exist at the moment, but feel free to create the folders required.

So there should be a file in custom/themes/SuiteR/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl

In this newly pasted file, go to line ~309, there should be a few similar lines to:

Add the line:

  • Create Case

  • above the tag.

    It should look like:

    Then, run a quick repair & rebuild in the Admin > Repair Menu. Clear your browser’s cache, and there should be the option to create a case from the dropdown.