Add Create Case option to dropdown on front screen

On the front screen there is a plus sign which gives you various create options.

How do I add a “Create Case” option to that list?


You won’t be able to do this through the UI tools built in with SuiteCRM, but you can do this through the code fairly easily.

Copy the file at: /Themes/SuiteR/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl

and paste it in: /custom/themes/SuiteR/tpls/

It is likely that this directory won’t exist at the moment, but feel free to create the folders required.

So there should be a file in custom/themes/SuiteR/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl

In this newly pasted file, go to line ~309, there should be a few similar lines to:

Add the line:

  • Create Case

  • above the tag.

    It should look like:

    Then, run a quick repair & rebuild in the Admin > Repair Menu. Clear your browser’s cache, and there should be the option to create a case from the dropdown.


    Great. Many thanks.



    Thank you for this!

    For those wondering this works with SuiteP theme as well. Simply follow the instructions provided by John and you should be good.

    I can changed the titles around so that each one did not say “Create” Like so:


    I also added a shortcut to the Project Templates list view like this:

    Template Project

    Does this workflow still apply to the current version of SuiteCRM (7.10.6)? I follow the step but it doesn’t seem to change anything.

    Thanks for the help!

    Works for me on a fresh 7.10.27 installation. Note SuiteR is now SuiteP and the line numbers have changed a bit, but searching for “create” in that file should help you narrow it down. Note there is more than one menu listed including a mobile and desktop menu.