Actualización de SuiteCRM 7.5.3 a SuiteCRM 7.7.9

Hi folks, I am currently in the process of upgrading SuiteCRM 7.5.3 to version 7.7.9 until I get to the latest 7.10.5, I am using the UpgradeWIzard offered by the SuiteCRM.
The problem is that at the end of the update I figure what is left (attached image) where I enter I figure those lines.
What may be happening:

SuiteCRM: 7.5.3
Sugar Version: 6.5.23
Using the IIS Manager
Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2
php: 5.4.24

From already thank you very much …
Posdate: to perform the update it is advisable to disable the cache or it is not necessary …

Keep an eye on the Compatibility matrix as you go through the upgrades:

You will need to upgrade PHP. My advice is to go for 7.x, much safer and faster.

This error you got might be due to this, but I don’t know exactly which partial upgrade you were attempting when you got the error…