7.9.4 Email Display Name Doesn't Appear for Recipient

When sending email from 7.9.4 the Display name does not display for the recipient of the email, e.g. When sending a message from Joe Bloggs joe.bloggs@big.com, the recipient only sees joe.bloggs@big.com

However, if you send a test message from suitecrm, the display name is displayed for the recipient as per normal practice, e.g. when sending test message the recipient sees Joe Bloggs in the From field.

Same problem here.
Possibly solution?

Temporary solution

Change line 2718 in /var/www/html/modules/Emails/Email.php

  $mail->FromName = $current_user->getPreference('mail_fromname');


        $mail->FromName = 'your name'; //$current_user->getPreference('mail_fromname');