7.10 upgrade "Composer autoloader not found"

Just answering my own questions from earlier for anyone else with this problem.

  • installing composer package is not necessary if you like to keep unneeded packages off your production systems.
  • Running composer install is NOT necessary either, the error message is misleading. You just need to fix the paths in robo script so it can find autoload.php.
  • Installing the intl php module is apparently also not necessary. Yes it is needed if you want to run composer install but it is apparently not needed for install or upgrades of the system.
    • It is NOT listed on the recommended packages list in the install guide.
    • When you first install from zip, the installer php script also checks for missing modules and does not complain about missing intl php moduleā€¦so it is apparently not needed.
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I edited my post above, I meant to write that execute bit should NOT be needed, thatā€™s why I said ā€œI think youā€™re rightā€ :man_facepalming:

Anyway, remember that SuiteCRM does a lot of stuff from CLI: all the Scheduler Jobs, so thatā€™s Workflows, search indexing, notifications, email campaignsā€¦

Thanks for your notes on Composer, I also think that some of these error messages are red herrings, itā€™s supposed to work in a much easier way.

Okay. So far I havenā€™t seen any errorsā€¦depends on how they are being run whether they need the execute bit or not. If there was a list of X,Y,Z are CLI apps rather than included scripts and need +x permission because they are run directly as sub-processes without invoking the php binary firstā€¦that would be great. It doesnā€™t give me a good feeling to blanket execute permissions across all php files ā€œjust in caseā€.

In terms of the bug(s)ā€¦

sounds like the back/cancel button issue in the UI has been noted already.

What is the best way to report the path issue with robo so it can be fixed?

Any thoughts on why I seem to be the only one running into this? Some breaking change to how __DIR__ works in PHP7.2 on Ubuntu 20? Or just no one using the command line upgrader?

  1. The Docs site is like a wiki, it can be edited by everybody.

  2. Iā€™d say few people use the command-line upgrader. Still, there might be some additional condition underlying your problemā€¦

Okay. If I run into errors and figure out that specific php files do need executable permission I will update the docs. Until then, Iā€™ll stick with 660 on the php files since it seems to work fine.

Okay well there isnā€™t much room for interpretation of code. There are 2 search paths to autoload.php configured in robo and they both use __DIR__ to construct the paths. The paths constructed are both wrong. So either the configured paths in robo are wrong (bug) or something about how PHP defines __DIR__ has changed (also bug) or autoload.php is in the wrong location (also bug). I canā€™t imagine what other underlying condition could possibly have any influence on this problem since we are down to a couple lines of code that are quite easy to understand. Once I fix the path to autoload.php in robo the installer works fineā€¦so this is not a permissions issue.

Would be nice to get this fixed so I donā€™t have to patch robo every time I want to do a security update of SuiteCRM. I can open a pull request but it will be very naive because I donā€™t know any history or context about why those 2 paths are there in the first place and whether they are still relevant in any valid scenarios. The PR would either delete one /../ from the second search path or add a third search path as in the example I posted above. But as I said, no idea how this was intended to work, so given this is a small change and a bug rather than an enhancementā€¦probably better to report it and leave it with a maintainer that actually has the context on how this is supposed to work.

I canā€™t find these references, can you please point me to where youā€™re seeing them?

Sorry, I thought that was clear earlier. This is at the beginning of the ./vendor/bin/robo file that we are instructed to run for command line upgrade.

root@suitecrm:/opt/apps/suitecrm# tail -n +18 ./vendor/bin/robo | head -n 5
//  Non-phar autoloader paths
$candidates = [

In terms of where this lives in gitā€¦that I donā€™t know as I am not a PHP dev (donā€™t know build processes or toolchains) and from a quick search it appears the robo file is generated or at least is not part of the main SuiteCRM repo.

All the stuff under vendor directory is 3rd party, it is not stored in our git.

The basic process SalesAgility uses to build the upgrade packages is to grab our code from Github, then pull all that vendor code in with composer, and zips it along with a few additional scripts (if needed).

So Iā€™m not entirely sure why robo code would be expecting something that it canā€™t find in your installation (or perhaps in all SuiteCRM installations, but I donā€™t think that is the case). Unless our upgrade script changes working directory and confuses Robo?.. but that seems impossible, the problem is right at the beginning of Robo executionā€¦

Okay. I just searched ā€œphp roboā€ and found what looks like the repo you are using this from.

That project doesnā€™t provide autoload.php. Apparently autoload.php is generated by composer. I donā€™t know which composer on which project whether it is SuiteCRM or the robo project. Nevertheless it ends up in the wrong place. Either because the composer build puts it in the wrong place, or because it is put in the wrong place when SalesAgility zips up the vendor stuff.

root@suitecrm:/opt/apps/suitecrm# cat ./vendor/autoload.php

// autoload.php @generated by Composer

require_once __DIR__ . '/composer/autoload_real.php';

return ComposerAutoloaderInit2fc157eb6d5975feb720ea30cee02ec2::getLoader();

As I said this is the zip from you guys and I havenā€™t modified itā€¦so pretty sure command line upgrade is broken for everyone.

It is easy enough to check. The code isnā€™t doing much here. Just download a zip, extract it, check the vendors folder. Is autoload.php at ./vendors/autoload.php? If yes then the command line upgrade is broken for you too. Try running a command line upgrade on a zip (non-git) install following the docs.

The paths in the upstream robo repo I linked match what I see in my zip from you guys. So I guess autoload.php is being put in the wrong place by whatever composer builds it, or the vendor folder building process.

As you said you donā€™t think many people are using command line upgradeā€¦so perhaps this is just broken and no one noticed.

Okay, decided to run my own test.

You are right, there is no ./vendor/ folder in the normal install zip.

So this must have been created when I tried to first run the Upgrade in the UI upgrade wizard (which failed, was broken).

So I guess to reproduce this you have to go half-way through a UI upgrade (upload upgrade package and then bail) and then cancel and then check the vendors folder. I will need to do a fresh install to try to repo againā€¦but part of the reason I am confused in the followingā€¦

The command line upgrade instructions say to run ./vendor/bin/robo ...ā€¦ but as you pointed out, the vendor folder isnā€™t there on a new installā€¦so you canā€™t do a command line upgrade. It never occurred to me that the vendor folder might not be there on a fresh install since it was there when I was following the command line upgrade instructions the first time (after the UI upgrade failed).

Different question thenā€¦ is it possible to run a command line upgrade from a new install or only use the command line upgrade after you have done at least one UI upgrade? Once I understand this better I will happily update the docs to reflect the reality. Thanks!

The initial installer (full download) has a vendor directory, with autoload.php there.

Then the Upgrader zips are diffs, so they might have nothing in vendor, or they might have a lot of stuff (but never everything).

It is possible that you are getting an upgrade problem, because of some problem in the original installation you did, perhaps a long time agoā€¦

I donā€™t think I said thatā€¦ I said there was a vendor directory. And I just checked.

Sorry, I misunderstood you. I downloaded the zip, extracted it and saw there was no vendor directory.

Install Zip Download and Inspect
root@suitecrm:/opt/apps/suitecrm# mkdir /tmp/SuiteCRM-Test
root@suitecrm:/opt/apps/suitecrm# wget -O /tmp/SuiteCRM-Test/SuiteCRM-v7.11.20.zip "https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/archive/refs/tags/v7.11.20.zip"
root@suitecrm:/opt/apps/suitecrm# pushd /tmp/SuiteCRM-Test/
root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# unzip SuiteCRM-v7.11.20.zip
root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# ls -1 SuiteCRM-7.11.20/

Thank you for the explanation that the vendor folder is generated by running the installer, that gives me a more specific place to look in the source tree for this problem.

I have this problem on two different (independent boxes) that were both fresh installs from zip from 7.11.18 in the last months. One of them I had a bunch of UX/db problems with the installer (error messages not surfacing). The second one didnā€™t have any issues as I knew the issues from the first time around. Point is there wasnā€™t anything weird that happened during the install. I just realized it canā€™t related to the broken UI upgrade because the second box I didnā€™t try the UI upgradeā€¦I went straight for the command line updater and it had the same issue.

So I would be surprised if this was something weird about my installs as they are just extracted zips with the installer run. Nevertheless I guess I need to try and track the problem down in your installer or make a screencap repro or something if you canā€™t reproduce this on your end.

What I did see already searching the SuiteCRM repo for ā€œautoload.phpā€ is that there are quite a few references to that file being located at ./vendor/autoload.phpā€¦which is indeed where it is locatedā€¦but that doesnā€™t work with the autoload search paths in the third party robo script. So I suspect that the autoload.php is in the expected place from SuiteCRMā€™s point of view but there is some incompatibility with where SuiteCRM wants that file to be and where the third party robo script wants that to be.

Maybe you could look at one of your installs for comparison? Is autoload.php located in ./vendor/? If so does running a command line upgrade work for you? You donā€™t need to run an actual update (give a non-existent upgrade zip name) to see if robo finds autoload or errors out with the message about running composer install.

sudo -u <webserver-user> php ./vendor/bin/robo upgrade:suite /tmp/this-file-doesnt-exist.zip ./upgrade.log . <suitecrm-admin-user>

I understand if you donā€™t have time to try and repro on your end. In that case I will just try to track down the installer code.

But at this pointā€¦

  • I am pretty sure that ./vendor/autoload.php is in the place SuiteCRM expects it to be
    • due to multiple references to that location in the SuiteCRM git tree
  • I am very confident that robo is looking in the wrong paths to find ./vendor/autoload.php
    • robo git repo matches what I have on disk
    • fixing the paths in robo to point to where SuiteCRM has autoload.php resolves the issue

So the more interesting question is what else is going on (different) that causes me to experience this and others not. Perhapsā€¦

  • how robo is being run
    • e.g. I donā€™t know what ā€œpharā€ isā€¦but it results in a different search approach for autoload.php.
  • composer install related stuff
    • maybe people running composer end up generating an additional autoload.php somewhere that robo can find it?

Iā€™m assuming others use the command line upgrader and donā€™t experience this issue and that you canā€™t reproduce/verify this issue on your own suitecrm installs.

Thereā€™s a big confusion going on here.

When I say download the installer zip, I mean from here:

Thatā€™s the one that is built like I said, and has the vendor directory. The installer does not build the vendor directory, itā€™s the internal process in SalesAgility when building the installer package that does that.

You have been talking all along about ā€œthe zipā€ as the Github release pacakge. There are no instructions or recommendations that I know of which describe installing SuiteCRM from that. If you grab it from there you will surely have to run composer install --no-dev before you start running anything.

I hope this finally clarifies thingsā€¦

It sounds like I am frustrating you. Sorry about that, I am also just looking for clarity here.

You are right, in my ā€œcheck if vendor folder is in zipā€ I used the github release.
I wasnā€™t aware there was a different build for github and what salesagility publishes on their site.
I definitely donā€™t do composer install during our deploy, so the zip we deployed on the 2 servers must have been downloaded from sales agility (because it works fine without running composer).

So letā€™s forget my previous comment about vendor directory not being in the zip because I was looking at the wrong zip.

Looking at the correct zipā€¦

Checking zip contents of non-github zip
root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# wget "https://suitecrm.com/files/162/SuiteCRM-7.11/548/SuiteCRM-7.11.20.zip"
root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# unzip -q SuiteCRM-7.11.20.zip
root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# ls -l SuiteCRM-7.11.20/autoload.php
ls: cannot access 'SuiteCRM-7.11.20/autoload.php': No such file or directory
root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# ls -l SuiteCRM-7.11.20/vendor/autoload.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 178 Jun  1 14:11 SuiteCRM-7.11.20/vendor/autoload.php
root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# tail -n +18 SuiteCRM-7.11.20/vendor/bin/robo | head -n 5
//  Non-phar autoloader paths
$candidates = [

(collapsed above)

  • vendor directory is there.
  • autoload.php lives at ./vendor/autoload.php
  • robo (./vendor/bin/robo) looks for autoload.php at ./vendor/bin/vendor/autoload.php and ./autoload.php
    • ā€¦and wonā€™t find it.
    • resulting in the title error of this post when trying to run a commandline upgrade using robo per the docs.
  • Manually editing the autoload.php search paths in robo to match the structure of the zip (ie so it can find autoload.php) resolves the issue and the upgrade then proceeds without issue.

Am I missing something here? Not trying to annoy you, was really just trying to be helpful in tracking down the root of this issue.

Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m not annoyed, and didnā€™t mean to sound annoyed :slight_smile: Sorry!

After 14.5k posts here, I think I am doubly vaccinated against all forms of ignorance, misunderstandings etc. They are the daily bread of Forum life. And youā€™re waaay above average in competence diagnosing and clarity and politeness writing. :+1:

About our issue here, I also agree itā€™s worth getting to the bottom of this.

I see a difference between your installation and mine. In mine, robo lives in /vendor/consolidation/robo. Thatā€™s a directory name, so the PHP file is /vendor/consolidation/robo/robo. This would work with the autoload.php path itā€™s expecting.

Maybe your Robo (or composer?) is an older version, or was installed differently? I think it wasnā€™t always like this, but the standard now is to always use a company name as a folder before using a product nameā€¦

In the example from my previous post (wget non-github zip, extract, inspect files that were in zip) you can see robo lives in ./vendor/bin/robo. This is the latest SuiteCRM (non-github) release zip. I havenā€™t done anything to it except extract the zip. I have not run the install script either.

Based on your reply, I checkedā€¦it ALSO lives at the path you mentionedā€¦

root@suitecrm:/tmp/SuiteCRM-Test# ls -l SuiteCRM-7.11.20/vendor/consolidation/robo/robo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1630 Oct 11  2020 SuiteCRM-7.11.20/vendor/consolidation/robo/robo

So maybe this is just an issue of the docs instructing a user to run the wrong robo when doing a command line upgrade?

I followed the directions here which say:

  1. Download the required upgrade pack and place it in the folder with the installed system
  2. From the folder with the installed system, run the command ./vendor/bin/robo upgrade:suite [upgradeZipFile] [logFile] [pathToSuiteCRMInstance] [adminUser] ā€¦

Weā€™ve gone around in circles a bit here, so to sum upā€¦

  • the command line upgrade docs say to run ./vendor/bin/robo
  • that robo script searches for autoload.php on paths where it wonā€™t find it
  • which results in the autoload.php not found maybe run composer install (paraphrased) error.
  • fixing the search path for autoload.php in robo resolves the error (composer install is NOT needed) and the upgrade works. So the title error of this thread is really just about the robo script not finding the autoload.php.
  • this is based on the latest SuiteCRM (not github) release zip code (download, extract and inspecting the zip file).

So I guess either the

  • docs are wrong (e.g. we are told to run the wrong robo) or
  • ./vendor/autoload.php is in the wrong place (although it might be in the right place for other parts of SuiteCRM that expect it there)
  • something else

Does that make sense?

I am not sure how to sum up, but Iā€™d say the Docs should probably be updated to say ./vendor/consolidation/robo/robo

We should try to find out how come we have a robo PHP file in /vendor/bin.

@Dillon-Brown do you know how that gets in there? Do our packaging scripts put it there, or is it composer install? Any reason to have 2 robos, one of them in a path where it doesnā€™t work properly?

As there have not been any further replies from the SalesAgility side, Iā€™ve created a github issue to track this since I think we both agree this is broken per the docs and isnā€™t a problem between the keyboard and chair or something ā€œspecialā€ about my vanilla Ubuntu 20 server. There are about 1.1k github issues on the SalesAgility github project!!! So not holding out hope any PHP dev will actually look at thisā€¦ but at least it will be tracked as an open issue for others that run into this.

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